How we advocate

The Legion advocates for Veterans’ benefits and for the wellbeing of Veterans and their families

    To develop our positions and messages to effectively advocate for Veterans and their families, the Legion supports and conducts research, speaks with Veterans and their families, and consults with subject matter experts. Our advocacy is consistent with the approximately 20 other Canadian organizations that make up the Veterans Consultation Assembly. 

    Veterans served to protect the rights and freedoms we enjoy today, and The Royal Canadian Legion is committed to ensuring they receive the care and supports they deserve.


With a membership 260,000 strong, we advocate through a number of key channels:

We work with government, military and other Veteran organizations

We participate in advocacy at the national, provincial, branch and community levels

We continually invest in research for better Veteran advocacy


The democratic voice of Legion members and the resolution process

    The Legion is uniquely positioned to speak on behalf of our membership, which includes approximately 60,000 Veterans, 140,000 family members, as well as persons who support those who served. We are often asked by the Government of Canada and other organizations to present our position on issues because we are the only Veteran service organization that assists Veterans and their families with representation to Veterans Affairs Canada and the Veterans Review and Appeal Board Canada.

    There is no one individual or select group within the Legion that determines Legion policy or direction. The Legion has an established and identifiable membership who shapes our policies and direction in a democratic manner. Resolutions are voted on across all levels of the organization, ensuring the Legion is aligned to meet the needs of Veterans and their families. To find out more about this process, contact your Branch or Provincial Command.