Support for Veterans

Serving those who served

Founded by Veterans and for Veterans, the Legion is devoted to supporting the men and women who served our country and put their lives on the line for our freedoms and way of life.  

Assistance with Veterans Affairs Canada

If you or someone you know might be eligible for Veterans Affairs Canada benefits, we can help.

Adjusting to civilian life

Find the assistance and supports you need for the shift from service member to Veteran.

financial assistance

Financial assistance

Through generous donations, we can continue to help those who served. EXPLORE…

mental health

Mental health and PTSD

The Legion is dedicated to supporting Veteran mental health initiatives. EXPLORE…

Homeless Veteran2

Homeless Veterans

We help Veterans “Leave the Streets Behind” through programs across Canada. EXPLORE…

allied veterans

Allied Veterans

We help Allied Veterans and their widows or widowers obtain financial assistance and support. EXPLORE…

Veterans Services Testimonials