Veteran peer support programs

The Royal Canadian Legion offers Veteran peer-to- peer support programs to encourage Veterans and their families to connect with others in their community in a supportive environment. Legion services for Veterans and their families are always free, and you do not have to be a Legion member to participate.


BSO Legion OSI

BSO Legion OSI

    The Royal Canadian Legion Operational Stress Injury (Blessure de stress opérationnel) Special Section (BSO Legion OSI) is a national, member-driven initiative that provides outreach, peer-support, and referral services for Veterans and their families who are affected by operational stress injuries (OSIs) including anxiety, depression, addictions, PTSD or other mental health difficulties.

Through our members and our extensive network we:

  • outreach in the community to help identify Veterans in need
  • offer peer support opportunities, connecting Veterans with others who have been impacted by OSIs
  • refer those affected by OSIs to local and national supports and services, including Legion Branch and Command Service Officers, local mental health organizations, local community resources, Veterans Affairs Canada, national Veteran support organizations such as OSSIS, Soldier On, VETS Canada, and  the Veterans Transition Network, and many other programs and services
  • help dispel the stigma around mental injuries and illness and support all Veterans in getting the help they need and deserve

If you, or a Veteran or family of a Veteran are in need of support or assistance with an operational stress injury or mental health issue, the Legion is here to help.

Operation VetBuild

Operation VetBuild

Operation VetBuild is an initiative led by the Legion’s Operational Stress Injury Special Section (Legion OSI) that uses hobbies, such as scale model-building kits, in a Veteran-to-Veteran support environment. Working alongside their peers, the activity offers Veterans an opportunity to learn a new skill, promote relaxation, improve concentration, reduce stress, and provide a sense of community to enhance wellbeing. Sessions are hosted by Legion members and open to all Veterans in the community. 

For more information on upcoming sessions and locations, please visit the Operation VetBuild Facebook page. 

Operation VetBuild continues to grow. To donate model kits, or for information on hosting Operation VetBuild in your community, please contact Legion OSI at


Buddy Check Coffee

Buddy Check Coffee

Buddy Check Coffee is a Veteran run peer program offering comradeship in a relaxed environment, encouraging Veterans to network and share experiences and stories... while sipping coffee. Led by the Legion’s Operational Stress Injury Special Section (Legion OSI) and hosted by Legion members, Buddy Check Coffee is helping Veterans in their community connect and support each other.

For more information on upcoming sessions and locations, please visit the Buddy Check Coffee Facebook page.

The programs have been a success and Legion OSI is working to grow the program across Canada. Legion Branches are invited to host and coordinate the programs for Veterans in their community.


Local Legion Branch initiatives

In addition to the programs above, many Legion Branches offer programs and supports to meet the needs of local Veterans in their community.  Please speak to a volunteer Service Officer at your local Legion Branch to ask about services and supports available at your Branch.