The 49th Dominion Convention

The Royal Canadian Legion Dominion Convention

The Royal Canadian Legion 2024 Dominion Convention will be held in Saint John, New Brunswick, August 24 through 28. This year’s theme, Building our Future on a Foundation of Strength, is not only a reflection of our past achievements but also a rallying call for the work that lies ahead.

This year, Delegates and proxies representing close to 260,000 members, will meet to discuss the future of the Legion. Delegates will vote on resolutions, determine national policies and elect the next Dominion President and Senior Elected Officers.

Together, we will help set the direction for the future of our organization.


Branches and Delegates

Get all the information you need before the convention begins.

Information for Branches


Convention Call

The Convention Call and Credential Certificate were emailed to Branches in mid-February, and posted below. Branches will be required to submit the Credential Certificate to their Provincial Command to select their Delegate(s). Check with your Provincial Command for their submission deadline.

  • 2023 Paid Membership by Branch (for reference)
  • Information for Delegates


    Check-in Procedure

    All Delegates and Observers must check in at the Convention Welcome Desk upon arriving at TD Station. On checking in, the Welcome Team will:
    > confirm the Delegate fee has been paid;
    > confirm the Delegate has access to a smartphone or tablet and has downloaded and logged into the Convention app;
    > distribute the Delegate Bag;
    > direct the Delegate to their Provincial Command booth to check in and receive their nametag and orange non-ballot voting card.

    Delegate Resources

    Branches and Delegates are encouraged to access the resources below prior to the start of convention.


    Technology Requirements

    Voting for elections will be conducted online. Delegates will need:

    • to register with a valid email address.
    • a smartphone or tablet with data or wifi capabilities.
    • to download the Convention app (required for voting).
    • Download for iOS
      Download for Android


    Convention Resources

    Committee Reports and Resolutions Book is now available.

    To minimize our environment footprint and reduce costs, this document will be provided in electronic format only. There will be no printed copies available at convention. Branches and delegates may download and print the document if they wish a hard copy version.

    Download your copy: Committee Reports and Resolutions

    Resolution questions: Delegates may submit questions on reports and resolutions prior to convention. Submit via email to Please include your Legion membership number.

    Convention Dress

    Legion Dress or Legion Informal Dress (blue shirt) for convention floor business sessions.

    Legion Dress is required if participating in the Opening Ceremonies, Closing Ceremonies, or the Commemoration Ceremony/Parade.


    Election Candidate Information

    Nomination for Candidates for Office will be made in person on the Convention floor.

    The Royal Canadian Legion Commemorative Ceremony

    On Sunday, August 25th the convention will hold a commemoration ceremony to honour all Veterans and remember those who have fallen.

    Spectators may gather on the side walks surrounding Market Square. Spectators are asked to keep Prince William Street and Water Street roadways clear for the marching contingents. Please be in location no later than 10:00 a.m..

    Download and print the Ceremony Program


    Parade 1

    Location: The cenotaph is located directly in front of Saint John City Hall (Market Square).

    Parade: Marching contingents are asked to form up at the intersection of Prince William Street and Princess Street, under the direction of the Parade Marshall, at 0930 hours.

    Parade Briefing: A parade briefing will be held at the Hilton Hotel Belleisle room I & II on Saturday, 24 August at 1630 hours for all Command Sgt-at-Arms and Parade Marshals.


    Order of March:

    • Saint John Firefighters Pipe Band;
    • Dominion Colour Party;
    • Dominion Command;
    • British Columbia/Yukon Command (BC/YU);
    • Alberta/Northwest Territories Command (AB/NT);
    • Saskatchewan Command (SK);
    • Manitoba & Northwestern Ontario Command (MB/NONT);

    • Newfoundland and Labrador Command (NL);
    • Marching Band;
    • Ontario Command (ONT);
    • Quebec Command (QC);
    • Nova Scotia/Nunavut Command (NS/NU);
    • Prince Edward Island Command (PEI); and
    • New Brunswick Command (NB).

    Need assistance?

    If you require assistance registering for Convention, please reach out to our Legion Member Services team at 1-855-330-3344 (Monday through Friday, 8:30 - 4:00 EST) or by email at

    Vendor Expo

      Throughout the Convention period, Delegates and Observers will have access to the Convention Expo. It’s a great opportunity to learn about available Legion programs and supports, our amazing partner programs and a variety of organizations with services to support your Branch and Members. And be sure to check out the Legion Store, with amazing Poppy and Legion items for sale.

    Want to promote your business at the Expo? Contact Ty Backer at for more information and pricing. Spots are limited.

    Vendor Expo 2018

    Thank you to the Local Arrangements Committee

    Special thank you to the Local Arrangements Committee (LAC) for their hard work and commitment to bringing the 49th Dominion Convention to Saint John, NB.

    Below you will find a welcome letter from the LAC, a description of their LAC logo, and an opportunity to place an ad in the Convention Souvenir Booklet.

    LAC Logo  

    Follow the Convention on Social Media

    You can follow The Royal Canadian Legion 2024 Dominion Convention online using hashtag #DominionConvention

    Follow on Facebook

    Follow on  Twitter

    Follow on Instagram 

    Media Inquiries

      Media interested in contacting a representative of The Royal Canadian Legion Dominion Convention can contact Nujma Bond at or by calling 613-591-3335, ext. 241.

    For all other inquiries, please visit for media contact information.