Virtual Wall of Honour

Honour and remember Canada’s Veterans through the Legion's Virtual Wall of Honour and Remembrance.

The Royal Canadian Legion’s Virtual Wall of Honour and Remembrance is a photo montage of passed Canadian Veterans who served and sacrificed for the freedoms we enjoy today.

Submissions for the 2023 Virtual Wall of Honour and Remembrance are now closed. Submissions received after October 20, 2023 will be included in the 2024 edition.



    Submit a photo to the Virtual Wall of Honour and Remembrance

    As a way to honour and remember relatives and friends who have served Canada, Canadians are invited to forward a photograph of a deceased Veteran to Dominion Command to be displayed on large video screens located near the National War Memorial and shown prior to the start of the Remembrance Day Ceremony held on November 11th.

    Deceased Canadian Veterans (including those who were part of the Merchant Navy and Ferry Command), whose death was attributable to any cause, can be part of the Virtual Wall of Honour.

    Only one submission is required, as the photograph will continue to be included on the Virtual Wall of Honour in all subsequent years. Please do not re-submit a photo for the same person.


    • High resolution electronic files (the quality of the image submitted dictates the quality of the image displayed)
    • Include the Veteran’s name, years of service, element or force, regiment/unit to which the departed belonged
    • One image for each honoured Veteran will be used

    Submissions for the 2024 Virtual Wall of Honour and Remembrance need to be received by October 18, 2024. Later submissions will be included in the 2025 edition.

    Send photos to: