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Four ways you can support veterans year-round

Feb 5, 2019
Veterans need your support this holiday season and year-round. Here are four ways you can ensure Veterans get the help they deserve.

For The Royal Canadian Legion and Veterans across Canada, Remembrance Day is an essential date on the calendar.

The period leading up to November 11 brings Canadians from across the country together to honour and reflect on the Veterans who made sacrifices for our freedoms.

But the need to support Veterans doesn’t stop when the last wreath is placed on Remembrance Day.

From helping with housing to providing emergency assistance to ensuring the ill and injured get the care they deserve, the need to support Veterans is a reality year-round.

Here are four ways you can do your part to help.

Donate to the Poppy Fund

The Poppy Fund is an essential fundraiser for Canadian Veterans and their families.

It plays a big role in helping to feed, clothe and shelter Veterans in need.

But that’s not all.

The money also goes towards important community projects that help Veterans, such as Remembrance activities and visitation in long-term care facilities. Poppy Funds also support Veteran health research and programs that help Veterans cope with operational stress injuries such as Project Trauma Support or Operation Service Dog

Poppy Funds help thousands of Veterans every year, and donations are accepted year-round.

So if you’d like to support Canada's Veterans, a donation to the Poppy Fund is a great way to help.

Donate online or through your local Legion Branch: 

Buy from the Legion’s Poppy Store

The Poppy Store offers hundreds of commemorative and Poppy-themed products, from watches to gifts, clothing and jewellery.

Owning an item from The Poppy Store is a great way to show your support of Canada’s Veterans and honour their sacrifices year-round. 

But it’s more than that.

All proceeds from The Poppy Store go towards supporting Legion initiatives aimed at improving the lives of Canadian Veterans and their families.

Consider making a purchase today: 

Volunteer at your local Legion branch

Legion branches are pillars in local communities.

They provide a common location where people in towns, villages and cities across Canada can meet to gather and feel connected with their neighbours.

The Legion branch is the primary community centre in many locations, hosting weddings, town meetings, community BBQs, memorial services, and other important events and activities.

But Legion branches are more than just a place to be social.

They also play a key role in supporting Canadian Veterans and strengthening communities.

The Legion’s work at the community level includes outreach and assistance programs for Veterans and their families, fundraising to support essential community services, offering supports for Veterans and seniors in need, organizing commemorative ceremonies, promoting Remembrance, and more.

Volunteers serve a number of key functions, from helping with Branch activities, to supporting fundraising initiatives, to helping out in the kitchen for special events.

If you’d like to help out at your local branch, consider becoming a Legion member volunteer: 

Join the Legion

The Legion is a member-based organization, and our strength is in our numbers. Through our members, we are able to advocate for and support Canadian Veterans and their families.

Without the support of our members, the Legion would not be able to provide Veterans with the care and support they need and deserve.

But joining also offers a lot of benefits beyond helping Veterans.

Signing up to be a member grants you special deals at The Poppy Store, a paid subscription to the Legion Magazine and a Member Benefits Package that offers great savings and deals.

Join the Legion today: 

Ready to support our Veterans?

Canadian Veterans need your help all year-round, not just on Remembrance Day.

If you’d like to help, consider getting more involved with a donation, Poppy Store purchase, volunteering or becoming a member