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Critical need for federal government financial support to help Legion Branches

Jun 3, 2020
On June 3, Royal Canadian Legion Dominion President Thomas D. Irvine, CD, sent a follow up letter to the Prime Minister pressing for immediate access to emergency financial relief for Legion Branches. Read the letter.
OTTAWA, ON, 4 June 2020 - On June 3, Royal Canadian Legion Dominion President Thomas D. Irvine, CD, sent a follow up letter to the Prime Minister pressing for immediate access to emergency financial relief for Legion Branches.  Current federal relief programs for non profits do not help Branches with operational costs incurred as a result of the pandemic. And Legion Branches do not qualify for the relief programs available to businesses.

In the letter, Irvine states, "I am angered to see that businesses whose sole purpose is to provide entertainment are getting relief, while our Legion Branches - which are literally helping to save lives and improve communities - are struggling with the fear of closure, with no government help in sight."

Without immediate financial relief, the Legion may soon be unable to continue to provide essential services and supports to Veterans and communities across Canada.

Read the letter

About The Royal Canadian Legion

Founded in 1925, the Legion is Canada’s largest Veteran support and community service organization. We are a non-profit organization with a national reach across Canada as well as branches in the U.S., Europe and Mexico. With close to 260,000 members, many of whom volunteer an extraordinary amount of time to their branches, our strength is in our numbers.

Public Relations / Media Inquiries: 613-591-3335 ext. 241 or PublicRelations@Legion.ca
