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The Legion Service Bureau Assists and Represents All Veterans – Free of Charge!

Mar 3, 2016

Do you need help with the paperwork and process to apply for benefits?
Do you need representation with an appeal to the Veterans Review and Appeal Board?
Are you a Veteran or family member of a Veteran in financial need?
Do you know of all the benefits and assistance you are entitled to?

The Legion can help with these and more… free of charge!

The Royal Canadian Legion’s Service Bureau Network Service Officers can assist and represent still serving Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) members, Veterans, RCMP members and their families regarding disability claims or related issues with Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) and the Veterans Review and Appeal Board (VRAB). We provide free professional counselling and representation services at all levels of the disability claim process under the Pension Act or the Canadian Forces Members and Veterans Re-establishment and Compensation Act, commonly referred to as the New Veterans Charter.

Free Representation Services

Our Professional Command Legion Service Officers provide these services; free of charge, whether or not you are a member of the Legion. Our representation role is mandated through legislation. If you would like assistance in preparing your first application to VAC or representation with an appeal to the VRAB, The Royal Canadian Legion Command Service Officer can assist you. We support all who have worn the uniform and those who are wearing the uniform.

Benevolent Assistance

Financial assistance is available for all serving and former Canadian Armed Forces and RCMP members and their families who are in distress or have a clear financial need. Grants are available for food, heating costs, clothing, prescription medication, medical appliances or equipment, essential home repairs and emergency shelter or assistance.

If you would like Legion assistance in obtaining VAC disability benefits and services or Legion benevolent assistance, or if you have a friend or family member who needs help, please contact a Legion Service Officer.

  • Contact the Dominion Command Service Bureau

Tel: 613-591-3335
Toll-free: 1-877-534-4666
Email: servicebureau@legion.ca

  • The Legion’s Service Officer Network has more than 1,400 volunteer service officers at branches all across Canada and offer a boots-on-the-ground connection to assist Veterans and their families.
More Supports for Veterans

For information on additional programs and services available through the Legion, please visit our website.